Back To School... Sports Injuries
As of writing, school just got out. So why are we talking back to school already? Because like it or not, school sports are a serious deal! Practices start soon, and training has already begun. Make sure you and your athletes are prepared for the season by paying attention to individual needs of eacRead More
Braces & Supports
To Ice, To Tape, To Shoulder Brace
The shoulder, with its ball-and-socket joint, has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body. Since this is so, it is also the joint which is most easily prone to injury. Injuries can occur while performing routine daily activities when the arm is extended above the head suchRead More
Braces & Supports
How To Clean Your Sports Brace
Whether you are enduring several weeks of straight recovery from an injury or use your brace during practice on a regular basis, at some point you will realize that this very useful piece of gear has begun to smell. THE RISKS OF UNWASHED SPORTS BRACES Sports braces are amazing. They offer bothRead More
Braces & Supports
Knee pain is one of the most common injuries that I see as a Physical Therapist on a daily basis. Knee pain can be acute, intermittent, nagging, or it can be extremely painful and debilitating. The pain could be due to a bruise, sprain, strain, degeneration or even a tear. Using a knee brace is a grRead More
Braces & Supports
Back injuries are one of the most common aliments of modern time. From either acute injuries while lifting or twisting the wrong way, to chronic injuries ranging from strains to disc herniation – lower back pain is no fun. Even if you don’t experience back pain now, it may only be a mattRead More