Injury Recovery
3 Common Tennis Injuries (And How To Treat Them)
Like any sport, tennis athletes get injured. While tennis players can suffer concussions and other injuries that are most associated with contact sports, the most common tennis injuries are either repetitive action injuries or acute injuries, such as sprains. If you are a tennis player, itRead More
5 Common Volleyball Injuries (And How To Recover From Them)
Common volleyball injuries tend to revolve around the ends of limbs such as fingers, ankles, and toe injuries. Here’s some information on how to avoid such injuries, including prevention techniques, as well as how to reduce injury time after you already have the issue. The goal is always to geRead More
Back To School... Sports Injuries
As of writing, school just got out. So why are we talking back to school already? Because like it or not, school sports are a serious deal! Practices start soon, and training has already begun. Make sure you and your athletes are prepared for the season by paying attention to individual needs of eacRead More